WikiLeaks generated a report of 8000 pages related to the Central Intelligence Agency hacking data on Tuesday, comprising the reviews on few of the world’s top most famous antivirus software programs. In the report hackers are cited carrying the potshots at various antivirus companies, recommending that the American Intelligence agencies are deeply aware of the shortcomings of these products, which were made actually for keeping our system safer and protected.
The report is released by WikiLeaks, is not organized to map out the results regarding the reliability of one antivirus product or any other and the improbable dating shows that the CIA’s critiques offer a snapshot instead of giving an overall view.
Even then, the report exhibits America’s strong concern about the top security software.
The CIA seems to provide a mixed appreciation to this antivirus program, as it calls itself as a “worldwide leading cyber protection service”.
According to a post by the CIA cyber spy released by the WikiLeaks stated that COMODO is a bulky pain in the back, it catches every malicious stuff until you tell it not to do so.
The solution is not to upgrade to the new version COMODO 6. This version doesn’t catch much stuff.
A CIA hacker seemed to be uniquely scathed about this Finnish company of security software and considered a lower tier program which causes the negligible difficulty.
F-SECURE took the note of this act that it is being discussed somewhere else, along with Avira and regarded this as an irritating trouble making. The company said that there is a wide view to be created related to the CIA’s hacker’s apparent remarks not to alarm the antivirus software firms about their flaws.
As F-SECURE chief research officer, Mikko Hypponen gave a statement telling that the company has considered it more essential to make everybody insecure and maybe used the susceptibilities for its benefits.
The CIA’s report is not much completed and is not sufficient to be referred for sure, but BITDEFENDER, which is a Roman antivirus software company appeared to cause CIA hackers a lot of problems.
The report looks to give BITDEFENDER a suggestion that it could be penetrated by tinkering.
Or maybe not
BTDEFENDER’s owner said that the report shows that the company has detected the CIA hack and is ready to defend any intrusion.